2018 - More Progress

Well! Its october and Redacted² has long been released and I'm done with my vacation and am pouring some more of my time in my projects again. Also thanks to all of you who grabbed my store media during the discount I was experimenting a lot with level design methods, trying to improve my work here and there but I must admit that all of them failed spectacularly. I'm not giving up on them just yet, I'll wait and see if I get better results from them once the DX11 update hits but it might still be a while until then. In the mean time I just take it easy and make a bunch of models, test some gameplay ideas and rig stuff. Once the update hits I can then just build this game without much distraction. So, this of course means that I don't have that much to show now, so I'd like to drop a few weapons you'll get to use in the game. In this games setting there are impulse, plasma and traditional projectile weapons (also hybrids like plasma propulsed projectile weapons but I won't have any of these in the first game.) Quite a bit of the setting has changed too but you'll see a lot of the previously shown levels in this or the next game.

The railgun, its BSP's scifi shotgun that I have modified slightly. The magazine is now a battery and its a heavy energy weapon Special thanks to Bugsy for animating this bad boy for me.

The more compact counterpart to the rifle! BSP's scifi pistol without the elongated barrel uses the same ammo as the rifle.

I hope some of these mods strike your fancy The decision to take the game away from the masterfully done modern weapons and use more futuristic ones doesn't make it easier but more consistent. I just hope these will hold up well in the final game and that people will find the different ammo types fun to play. I want to integrate a feature where projectile weapons don't do as much damage to robots/machines as energy based ones. Lee was so kind to add this feature quite some time ago So lemme know what ya think and have a good one. Here a few more impressions from the game:

The game isn't a pure shooter. I try to have it more "immersive sim" elements like Ion Storms iconic games but thats rather hard to do. However, it will have 2 or 3 "simpler" maps where it turns into a straight up FPS game so Players can really use the equipment they gathered and experiment. I aim to have the best and smoothest shooting mechanics I can master in this game so I hope this will be enjoyable and interesting to you as players The compound also feel more realistic if the protagonist has to traverse some office and maintenance areas once in a while to get to another more "setpiecy level". Note that this is an early rendition and that I did not have the reshade suit enabled:

If you happen to check out my project for the first time, there are some more accurate impressions of what this game will look like on previous pages. For this map, I actually modded the "the warehouse" demo map to my needs. I ended up removing almost all of it and adding a lot but the spine structure still stands It was fun but as you can see, still very early...only 2 hallways are ready to be shown.

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